Monday, August 6, 2012

Dodging Bullets: Commentary on "Gunning Down Elections"

I agree with Kyle Grier and believe that something should be done by the government to make it more difficult to obtain a gun. A gun is an object that is supposed to be used as a helpful tool, but just like cars, if they are not used properly and for the right reasons, they could turn into an extremely dangerous weapon that could kill a large sum at people once.
            I also agree that it is too easy to access a gun. According to the article, about 40% of gun sales occur without background checks. What if 40% of drivers on the road didn’t have a license?
 I believe using a gun should be treated just like using a car; one would have to go through classes and through a process in order to receive documentation that allows them to legally use a gun, so if someone really wanted to obtain a gun, they would willingly go through a long process and examination in order to do so.  
            I know that the regulation of guns is a touchy subject, but it is a subject that must be addressed. There are people who believe guns should be totally outlawed, and people who believe that strict regulation of guns is a violation of one’s Second Amendment rights. A medium needs to be found between these two groups of people. There have been several massacres that have occurred because a mentally-ill person got a hold of a gun, but at the same time, there have been occasions when a person’s life was saved because they were able to defend themselves with a gun. Considering the amount of gun-related issues the country has had recently, politicians should take this issue seriously and find a solution to this very important problem.