Friday, July 20, 2012

Stay Focused: Commentary on "To Repeal or Not to Repeal"

            In Elizabeth Linton’s editorial, she discusses the repealing of the Obama Healthcare bill and how obvious the outcome was because of the fact that the majority of the House belongs to the Republican Party. She brings up that Republicans claim they are doing what is best for the American people, but in reality, they are making decisions based on party lines.
            I agree with Elizabeth when she says that “focus needs to be brought back to the well being of the people”. Representatives are putting a lot of their effort into defeating the opposing party rather than putting effort into bettering the country. Obama’s Healthcare bill does some positive things for Americans such as not allowing pre-existing conditions to be a factor in whether or not someone can receive health insurance, but because the bill came from a Democratic President, it was denied without being considered. If Republican House members actually cared about the well-being of the millions of Americans living without health insurance, then they would ignore the fact that the bill was created by someone who belongs to the Democratic Party, be non-partisan and make a decision that would benefit Americans.
            Like Elizabeth, I would like to see our government “working to take care of its people in a responsible way both fiscally and physically, rather than taking shots at the other side of the political aisle.” It would benefit everyone if when making decisions, the decision-makers in our government would ignore who belongs to what party and focus on improving the country. 

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