Friday, June 29, 2012

Love It or Leave It.

Obamacare. Some believe it’s the best idea ever conjured in a human brain, others don’t care, and some feel that passing the Affordable Care Act will ruin the United States to the point where they have no choice but to move to Canada. After the Supreme Court recently voted to uphold the majority of the Act, some may be renewing their passports and buying winter coats in preparation for the journey north, but they may want to stop and think…

The title of this editorial alone, “Hate Obamacare? Don’t Worry, Here Are Some CountriesYou Can Move To” by Dan Treadway, caught my attention. I found it ridiculous that someone was actually going to suggest different places to live after the passing of this law. As I read on, I figured out that the title was a sarcastic, harsh remark towards the authors intended audience, opponents of the upholding of Obamacare.

Treadway, an associate blog editor for the Huffington Post, has also written for The Daily Texan, the Texas Travesty and The Onion and won a scholarship for excellence in college journalism and was a finalist in a national essay writing contest, and is also a dual citizen of the U.S. and Canada which makes him credible.

The author argues that opponents of the Affordable Care Act may feel that universal health care is not right for our country, but moving to Canada would not be beneficial in avoiding it considering Canada has provided universal healthcare since 1966. He also adds that other countries have poor healthcare, high risks of catching infectious disease, and abuse human rights and compared to America have far worse standards of living. He supports his argument by stating that America “spends much more per capita on health care than any other nation in the world”. Treadway uses biting sarcasm to support his argument declaring “there’s really no reason to suffer through the grave injustice of universal healthcare when there is such a robust sampling of countries that…will happily allow you to not experience Obamacare… many have been plagued by poverty, unemployment and civil war, but how is living in those conditions that different from life under the Obama administration?”

I agree with Treadway’s argument because I believe that no government can please everybody. There are some people that believe that the Affordable Care Act will do good for our nation and some who believe otherwise, and that is the same situation for government issues; there are supporters and naysayers. Compared to countries like Haiti, where there are 25 physicians for every 100,000 people, our country is doing something good by trying to provide everyone with healthcare. This act is meant to try to help people and improve the standard of living for some, so I think we should give it a try. 

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